Edited by Margaret Houghton
When was the first mail delivery service started in Hamilton?
Or, who was the first member of the Royal family to visit the city? Still on Royalty, when was the first Victoria Day celebrated in Hamilton, and how was that first Dominion Day observed?
These are just a few of the stories in the third volume of First Here, a continuing look at when things first happened in Hamilton, and the stories behind these special occasions.
And, of course, Hamilton holds bragging rights as the home of the oldest road race in North America with the Around the Bay Road Race dating back to 1894, three years before the first Boston Marathon was run.
Hamilton was also one of the leading communities in the province when it came to health care, at the forefront of the fight against cholera as well as typhoid and diphtheria, with Hamilton being one of the first cities in North America to undertake a widespread immunization program.
These and many other firsts are just a few of the fascinating stories readers will find in First Here Volume Three, stories which play an important part in Hamilton’s history.
Edited by Margaret Houghton
When was the first mail delivery service started in Hamilton?
Or, who was the first member of the Royal family to visit the city? Still on Royalty, when was the first Victoria Day celebrated in Hamilton, and how was that first Dominion Day observed?
These are just a few of the stories in the third volume of First Here, a continuing look at when things first happened in Hamilton, and the stories behind these special occasions.
And, of course, Hamilton holds bragging rights as the home of the oldest road race in North America with the Around the Bay Road Race dating back to 1894, three years before the first Boston Marathon was run.
Hamilton was also one of the leading communities in the province when it came to health care, at the forefront of the fight against cholera as well as typhoid and diphtheria, with Hamilton being one of the first cities in North America to undertake a widespread immunization program.
These and many other firsts are just a few of the fascinating stories readers will find in First Here Volume Three, stories which play an important part in Hamilton’s history.
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